The Rosslyn Hoax?

January 12th, 2009

The book by the Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland (the home of Scottish Freemasonry) has sold out. We have received numerous requests from people anxious to obtain a copy but although they have been disappointed we are delighted to be able to report that The Rosslyn Hoax? is now to be reprinted as a paperback. For more details click here or on previous links.

Musical code cracked at last?

January 12th, 2009

Ever since a Scottish Sunday newspaper reported in 2002 that a Japanese electronics company was offering a reward to anyone who could crack the alleged musical code people have been trying to do just that. Now Rosslyn Chapel are to stage a performance of the musical code – it is expected that this will cause a secret door to open revealing the Holy Grail. To read the story click here or on the header.

Rosslyn Chapel to get Taxpayer’s money for restoration

January 12th, 2009

It has been announced that Rosslyn Chapel Trust Ltd. has been awarded taxpayer’s money to restore the chapel despite making £500,000.00 from visitor’s admission fees (£7.00 per person) during 2006.



Rosslyn Templar to run Marathon for Charity

January 12th, 2009

Brother Robert Currie is due to run the Edinburgh Marathon in May. All money raised will be donated to the Children’s Hospice Association Scotland (CHAS)

Rosslyn Chapel makes £500,000

January 11th, 2009
The Rosslyn Chapel Trust Ltd. (a charity registered in Scotland) made more than half a million pounds profit in 2006 from visitors. For more details click here.


January 11th, 2009

The Rosslyn Templars are regularly asked to supply books which are reviewed or otherwise mentioned on this site. We have explained before that we do not sell books as that does not within the scope of this site. However, recognising that some visitors do wish to buy books we have added (where possible) direct links to Please note that we will try to provide suitable links (provided that Amazon stock the book) for all books on the site but this is likely to take some time so please bear with us until this is completed.



Temple Church – London

January 11th, 2009

Like Rosslyn Chapel, other sites which feature in The Da Vinci Code have experienced a surge in visitor numbers. Principally these are the Louvre Museum in Paris (where the novel begins and ends) and the Temple Church in London. The Louvre is beyond the scope of this web site but we are aware that a guide book on the Templar Church has recently been re-published. For more details click here or on previous links.

New director for Rosslyn Chapel

January 11th, 2009

Stuart Beattie, the project manager at Rosslyn Chapel, has moved on to new pastures. He is replaced by Colin Glynn-Percy a Scottish landholder with various business interests. In an interview with the Scotsman newspaper he makes some interesting and perhaps prophetic comments about the chapel and its future.

Mr Glynn-Percy has something of a colourful past posing nude for a calendar.

St Duthac Collegiate Church

January 11th, 2009

St Duthac Collegiate Church is the most northerly collegiate church on the Scottish mainland. Not very much is know about it but what we have been to find has now been added to this web site. Interestingly it was contemporary with Rosslyn Chapel.



Cracking the Freemason’s Code

January 11th, 2009

Many people are now well aware that Robert Cooper, Curator of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Museum and library, is the author of The Rosslyn Hoax? The book launch took place on 9th October in Freemasons’ Hall, Edinburgh. To see some of the photographs taken that evening click here or on the previous link.

Not many people will be aware that Robert Cooper has written another book also about Freemasonry. This was published at almost exactly the same time as The Rosslyn Hoax? Cracking the Freemason’s Code, was written at the same time as The Rosslyn Hoax? and was officially published on 5th October – The Rosslyn Hoax? was published on 9th October. Once we get more information we shall review the book in more detail. Meantime there is a little information about the book available by clicking here.